UP Alumni Achievers: Gerald Galgana

Dr. Gerald A. Galgana, aside from being a Geodetic Engineer, is also a Geophysicist who specializes in the use of satellite imagery and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to study the deformation of the Earthʼs crust, as well as that on the other planets. He teaches Astronomy and Geosciences at Framingham State University (Massachusetts) and at Southern New Hampshire University. He recently served as Visiting Scientist at the University of the Philippines Diliman for geodynamics and geodesy research. Dr. Galgana is recognized a DOST Balik-Scientist at UP Department of Geodetic Engineering, and is concurrently a Visiting Scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas.
He was a Scientist at the AIR Worldwide Earthquake Research Group, where he developed seismic hazard and kinematic block models for various regions in the world. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, where he worked on NASA planetary projects, developing numerical volcano deformation models. He worked as a professional Geodetic Engineer and Remote Sensing Specialist in the Philippines and has published several articles on Seismotectonics and Volcanism.
A prolific and multi-award-winning academician, Dr. Galgana has received numerous awards and recognitions such as Outstanding Reviewer in the Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Elsevier Publications (August 2016), a DOST Balik-Scientist Awardee (Visiting Scientist Program) from Feb-May 2016, the Outstanding Alumnus Award from the UP Geodetic Engineering Department (August 2012), a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the Lunar and Planetary Institute, USRA, NASA (2009-2012), a finalist in both the Indiana University Matias Ochoada Academic Award (November 2008) and in the Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Research Fellowship (April 2008), the John B. Patton Award, 2007 (Outstanding Research on Indiana Geology), the Outstanding Research Project Award from the UP Engineering R&D Foundation (UPERDFI, 1992), among others. Dr. Galgana has also been a member and fellow at numerous professional organizations in the Philippines and abroad that include: the Indiana Academy of Science (2011), Seismological Society of America (2007-present), American Geophysical Union (2004-present), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (IU chapter: VP, 2005-2008; Treasurer, 2004-05), American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (2004-2008), American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2004-2009), Indiana University Alumni Association (Life member), Philippine Astronomical Society (since 2000), Philippine Association of Research Management (PHILARM) (1998), Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines (since 1994), University of the Philippines Alumni Geodetic Engineers Association (since 1992), and the Geodetic Engineering Club, University of the Philippines (President, 1992; Academics affairs officer, 1991)
In 1992, Dr. Galgana earned his B.S. in Geodetic Engineering from the UP College of Engineering. UP Open University granted him a graduate diploma in R&D Management (1998) and a master’s degree in Public Management Program (2002). In addition, he holds an M.S. in Geophysics (2005) and a Ph.D. in Geophysics (2009), both from Indiana University. Additionally, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Lunar and Planetary Institute of the Universities Space Research Association (NASA-JSC) in Houston, Texas.
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