Florence A. Galeon, BSGE 1989
Florence A. Galeon BSGE ‘89 Florence is a licensed Geodetic Engineer who placed 3rd in the 1990 Geodetic Engineering Board Exam. He graduated with a BS Geodetic Engineering Degree from the University of the Philippines. He also graduated with a Master of Engineering Science in Remote Sensing from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia.
He is former Chairman of the Department of Geodetic Engineering and the former Director of the Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry (TCAGP). He is presently serving as a member of the faculty of the U.P. College of Engineering.
He recently concluded a consultancy work with Aviso Valuation & Advisory in property market research for the development of a “Hedonic Property Pricing Model” as a Project Leader for a JICA / Oriental Consultants Global Co.-funded project. Today, he is into research utilizing geo-spatial technology applications in property valuation.
He is a member of Tau Alpha Fraternity.