Manfred Guanko, BSMetE 1988
Manfred graduated from the UP College of Engineering with a degree in BS Metallurgical Engineering in 1988. He was an AIMME (American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering) scholar in his senior year . He was also President of the UP 49’ers (UP Metallurgical and Mining Engineering Association) .He is a licensed Metallurgical Engineer and placed second in the 1988 board exams.
His first job was a heat treatment engineer of Benguet Management Corporation Foundry Division. After a year, Manfred worked in Sales and Marketing and was a technical sales representative of Merck Inc. He then pursued his MBA at the AIT (Asian Institute of Technology) School of Management in Bangkok, Thailand through a scholarship from the Government of Japan.
After finishing his MBA in 1992, he worked as a Corporate Planning Officer of PHINMA. Unable to resist his desire to be an entrepreneur, together with some partners, he founded PERTMA Corporation in 1994. PERTMA is an industrial trading and engineering company representing world class industrial systems and equipment for the power, mining, cement and oil industries.
In 2012, Manfred formed a company, Hydrautechnik, Inc., which specializes in hydraulics, lubrication and industrial filtration and also serves as the services and installation provider of PERTMA Corp. Manfred is currently Chairman of the Board/ CEO of PERTMA , Hydrautechnik and PERT Foundry and Fabrication, Inc. , a manufacturer of pump impellers and mine cars based in Cebu City.
Manfred is an avid golfer and won the National Mid- Amateur Golf Championship in 2012. He is blessed with a family of 3 children, Lea, Annika and David and his wife, Cecille.