Call for the 2020 UPAE Award Nominations (UPDATE!)

Extended to Sept 30th
Hurry! Submit your nomination package!
Do you feel your fellow UP Engineer deserves to be recognized? The UPAE Awards Committee is now seeking nominations for the 2020 UPAE Awards.
Traditionally, at every annual homecoming, the UPAE recognizes outstanding alumni who have made significant contributions in the academe, industry and government. Awards include National and Global Achievement Awards in various fields such as Engineering Education, Corporate Governance, Social Responsibility, Development Finance, and others. Additionally, Professional Degree Awards are bestowed upon outstanding alumni from the different COE Departments. There are also, the Lifetime Achievement Award, and Lifetime Service Award. Finally, there is one UPAE Most Distinguished Alumnus Award.
The UPAE Awards Committee is headed by College of Engineering Dean Ferdinand G. Manegdeg and UPAE President Elmir S. Dela Cruz.
Awardees are selected from those nominated by the Departments/Institutes of the College, Alumni Associations, or the Industry in general. Deadline for submission of nominations is on September 15, 2020.
Click Here to Download Nomination Form
Click Here to Download UPAE Awards Guidelines
In all the categories, the following shall be considered:
• All statements of outstanding achievements must have supporting documents.
• Nominee must be of proven moral Integrity.
• Nominee is available to receive the award during the 16 November Homecoming. (This may be waived for the Global Engineer Award.)
• Nominee should not be a current UPAE Board Member.
• Nominee must have maintained linkages with the Department, College, University and/or the Country.
A. Most Distinguished Alumnus / Alumna Award
The nominee must have attained national and possibly international stature and has brought honor and prestige to the College of Engineering, the University and/or the Country.
He/She must be outstanding not only in his/her chosen engineering field/s but also in other areas of endeavor related to his/her profession.
B. Professional Degree Awards
The award is given to outstanding alumni who have excelled in their respective degree programs.
• Chemical Engineering
• Civil Engineering
• Computer Engineering
• Computer Science
• Electrical Engineering
• Electronics and Computer Engineering
• Geodetic Engineering
• Industrial Engineering
• Materials Engineering
• Metallurgical Engineering
• Mining Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
The nominee must have attained national and international recognition in the particular field for which he/she has been nominated.
The more recent achievements, particularly within the past decade, or a very outstanding recent achievement will be given priority over achievements long past.
C. Achievement Awards:
- National
• Lifetime
• Engineering Education
• Government Service
• Public Service
• Entrepreneurship - Global Engineer
- National
• Lifetime
• Engineering Education
• Government Service
• Public Service
• Entrepreneurship - Global Engineer
- National
• Lifetime
• Engineering Education
• Government Service
• Public Service
• Entrepreneurship - Global Engineer
For his/her international and/or regional achievement, as evidenced by a certification/s from reputable institutions. Several alumni may be given this award.
These awards are given to alumni who have made outstanding accomplishments in areas of endeavor related to the Engineering field and thereby contributing to the development and improvement of the profession.
Specific categories may vary each year depending on the development and improvement of the profession; the nominations received; and the nominees’ achievements.
D. President’s Award
This award is given to the immediate past President of the UPAE for his leadership and contribution to the Association.
E. Posthumous Award
This award is given to accomplished alumni who have passed away recently but have not been recognized by the UPAE during his lifetime.
F. Posthumous Mention of UPAE Awardees
UPAE awardees who have passed away during the period between the last homecoming to the current homecoming shall be given special mention during the homecoming.
G. Special Awards
This award shall be given to deserving alumni who, within 10 years of their graduation, have achieved significant accomplishments in:
• Technoprenuership
• Research and Development
• The UP COE Instructor of the Year shall also be given this special award.
H. Board of Trustees Award
This award shall be given to a former member of the UPAE Board of Trustees in recognition of his/her meritorious service to the UPAE.