Oct 2018
UPAE Cebu Chapter Initiated

Last September 15, the Alumni Engineers who are based in Cebu held a pre-organizational meeting with the objective of laying out the foundations for the setting up of UPAE Cebu Chapter. Eleven of UP Diliman COE alumni attented the meeting. The following was agreed by the group during the meeting:
1. That the process of setting up the UPAE Cebu Chapter will be started. This includes fulfilling the application process And its requirements.
2. That membership will follow the same guidelines as UPAE and UPAA. This means that individuals who have taken 60 units or finished a degree in engineering from any UP COE are qualified to join.
3. That a UPAE fb page will be set-up for UPAE Cebu Chapter. This will be done almost immediately.
4. That the regular organizational meeting will be the 3rd Sat of every month with the 20th of Oct being the schedule of the next meeting.
5. That during the Oct meeting each person in the core group will bring 1 or 2 UP COE alumni.
The organizational meeting was graciously hosted by Wally Liu, CE 81, at the Dayun Lounge of his new and beautiful Maayo Hotel in Mandaue city. The meeting was in coordination with UPAE with Delzi Banzali of the board attending.