UPAE Community to come together at its 1st virtual homecoming
The UPAE Board of trustees through the technical expertise of Outbound Asia Inc. brings the UPAE together for its first virtual homecoming on December 5, Saturday at 7PM. This Zoom-driven event comes in response to the current pandemic. UPAE President Elmir S. Dela Cruz says “No virus can stop a tradition that we held onto for 73 years. Fostering fellowship and cementing business and personal relationships within our community is what continues to be a pillar of our organization.”
UPAE Executive Director Eric Augustus J. Tingatinga further explains, “It is more than just a virtual gathering or a chance to renew friendships This year’s homecoming is a webinar from industry luminaries.”

According to Tingatinga, the speakers will share their thoughts on reimagining the many engineering fields in the country . The gathering also includes the annual showcase of exciting raffle prizes …

.. world class entertainment from local artists, OPM legend Noel Cabangon, rising Viva artist Sabu, and the evening’s host comedienne Giselle Sanchez. Plus an update on the UP Men’s Basketball Team will be personally given by UP MBT Head Coach Bo Perasol and reports and updates from the board and community leaders.
Alumni engineers, industry luminaries, academe movers and government shakers are all contributing their social media shout-outs in an effort to make this first online gathering “one for the books”.
Catch their invites, greets and felicitations at the UPAE Facebook Page.
There is no doubt that the UPAE community has dedicated time and resources to hold the alumni engineers together as a force that will drive the future of engineering in the Philippines. The 73rd UPAE 2020 Alumni Homecoming promises to be a historical event one dare not miss!
So register now to get the webinar link at bit.ly/UPAEHomecoming2020.
It’s absolutely free!